sábado, 26 de maio de 2007

24 - 25 - 26 MAY - Hungry and sleepy

Leon and his nurse Angelika

Leon and the proud daddy

26th MAY

Today we got stuck working at home and we just got there at 7 P.M. - As we got there we saw his nurse seated on a cangarooing chair with a baby and the baby cuddling with her, without any monitor, was Leon.
Today they resumed his feedings. Half tea and half milk in the first feedings and then when they observe his intestines and specially the stoma is working well he will drink pure mommy´s milk and actually it happened this evening. Daddy fed him his first pure milk bottle after the surgery- He was very proud to feed and hold Leon in his arms. In fact Leon looked absolutely cute with daddy.

25th MAY

Today Leon was really sleepy. They are giving phenobarbital to calm him down because of he is too hungry. He is looking so cute, so sweet in his bed. Sometimes he opens his eyes and look around, look at me and then fall asleep again. His pacifier is the greatest friend at this moment. The doctors they will start introducing tea tomorrow and if they see his digestive tract is ready they will slowly introduce also milk.
I can´t wait and I bet he too, cant wait.
GOD bless him.

24th MAY

Today Leon is better than yesteerday and is no longer on the C-PAP which is better in this case, since he end up swallowing the air that is blown thru the C-PAP making his stomach even more bloated. He is on strong painkillers and TPN. Bile is still coming out from his stomach thru the NGT and also thru the stoma. Doctors said this is a good sign.
One thing that is really bothering him is that he is very hungry. He sucks his pacifier like crazy.
God bless him.

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