quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2007

15- 16 - 17 - MAY - 90 days - 3 months old!

16th MAY - 3 months old today!

Today Leon is better...actually I haven´t gone there yet, but I called in the morning as usual to see how he did during the night. They said he did it fine and has gain a bit of weight( which they didn´t inform how much). Well, I guess I put a little pressure on the nurses and doctors on monday and they are giving me some cold looks. Anyway...I will be more patient and try not to ask them so much about every single detail. However, I think I have the right to ask. It´s my son we are talking about here!
Well, on Mother´s day daddy went to Frankfurt and I went to see our munchkin´. I got there and the nurse who was in charge gave him to me and she said we should put him in contact with my breast. Well, he didn´t like and somehow my milk didn´t flow. I was too anxious I guess. Then he slept on my lap for a while. Suddenly he woke up and started to cry and cry and cry - and CRY! Poor baby cried relentless and after 30 minutes he was totally K.O- I put him back on his warm crib and the nurse said I could change his diaper. Just when I unbottoned his romper I saw that his stoma was a lot bigger than it ever was. 10 centimeters sticking out of his belly. I almost fainted - the doctor came in and had a look from which I could understand the stoma wasn´t looking good. They decided to call the surgeon!!! During the long waiting period anxiety took me over and I started to cry. I wanted to be sure all was well. The doctor put a catheter on him and gave him phenobarbital plus some opioid painkiller to calm him down while the surgeon was on his way. Two other mothers were very nice to me and offered me a bed in their room so I could sleep over. The surgeon came at 11 p.m. had a look and said they should try to put all the prolapsed portion of intestine back inside (I didn´t want to see it) and said that he should get the reconnection done as soon as possible. After 2 hours I decided to go home...I was riding exclusively the loopings of the emotional rollercoaster. Could barely sleep and at 5 A.M. I decided to get ready and went to see him. I haven´t seen him on his crib so pale and lame for weeks and monday that is how he looks. I was so bad impressed, so frustrated the doctors said we should wait and observe. For GOD´s sake he even lost weight( 60 grams! So we are back under 1500gr, 1460gr to be exact!) I stayed next to him the whole day. I left the hospital and he was a bit better. Altought his color wasn´t that beautiful yet, he was sedated, he didn´t pass any stool, he looked a bit sensitive and wailing he was stable and the monitor shows it. I went home with all that in my head but was so tired I passed out in my bed.

Here Leon is either thinking about his next bottle of milk or just thinking that these people talk too much.

15th MAY

Today Leon looks much better and the stoma isn´t looking that bad. He passed some stool and we Kangarooed. His grandma and great-grandma came all the way from Brazil to get to know him. He is my sunshine and I am so happy he is better today. He was off the C-PAP for a long time and also while we kangarooed. He drinked a bit from the bottle. I changed his diapers and there it was - little beautiful poop - what a relief! The nurse put back his C-PAP and I tucked him in his crib with all his beanie babies and a kiss from mommy.
GOD bless our preemies!

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